Poem in Iranian Life

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Poem in Iranian Life

Aliha Gallery Friday March 11th 2016, hosted Mexican artist Alejandra Gomez Colorado and played her short film. The work deep bond pays poetry and everyday life of Iranians. The statement of this exhibition says:

May be what attracts tourists in Iran the most is the amount of existence of poem and mythological characters in everyday life. Workers, businessmen, professionals, politicians and artists are all ready to read and use verses that have been written so long ago.

That's why a visit to the tomb of the poet to read his poems and tribute to them is a usual practice among Iranians. Poets in Iran are cultural heroes and national pride. This short video is an attempt to show this aspect of Iranian culture. It’s a way to Iran through the path of wisdom and beauty.

Alejandro Gomez Colorado, is a social anthropologist, professor and curator at the National Museum of Middle East culture of Mexico.
